Friday 29 January 2010

by Kieron McFadden

What was the real reason a US Army psychiatrist went berserk and murdered fellow soldiers? And why is that reason being studiously ignored?

The recent homicidal rampage by at a US Army base in which an army major allegedly slaughtered 13 people and wounded 30 others, red-flags several screamingly urgent issues.

Not least of these is why exactly a professional soldier suddenly went mad and started murdering his colleagues.

According to press reports, he started shooting at random for no particular reason and it is the most tragic of ironies that he was also an army psychiatrist: psychiatrists purport to be experts on the mind and behaviour and are paid handsomely for this supposed expertise, yet none of the psychiatrists on the base were able to detect, treat or prevent this psychosis.

So profoundly was this most extreme of psychoses overlooked that a homicidal maniac was on post and had routine access to lethal weaponry right up to the moment when he "flipped." How did no-one see this coming?

How did a so-called expert on the human mind, a man who had for years been trusted to counsel fellow soldiers on how to cope with the extreme stresses of combat and injury, ever get into such a state? Moreover, how did his seniors and fellow experts on the mind fail to notice that Hasan was coming apart at the seams?
This is particularly worrying as psychiatrists have extensively infiltrated the military. It would be an act of extreme folly on the part of our political and military leaders to permit a profession as wanting of genuine expertise, as this episode suggests psychiatry may well be, loose upon the minds of our soldiers. If you want to destroy a military and have it lose a war, then deliver its soldiers into the hands of witchdoctors and charlatans.

And if you want to make a really thorough job of it, give those charlatans carte-blanche to render your soldiery awash with debilitating drugs that impair judgement, dull thought, slow reaction times and reduce impulse control. And that is precisely the operation that is being run at this time.

Much has been made, of course, of the fact that the Major was a Muslim, as if that explains why he went berserk. The logic, presumably, is that holding certain religious beliefs renders one dangerously unhinged. Given that so many atrocities historically were also committed by atheists (Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Milosevic etc) by that logic NOT holding religious beliefs also renders one unhinged. And where does that leave us? Unhinged, presumably.
However, I can imagine that a Muslim soldier serving in the army at a time when the US is at war with Muslim countries will have been thoroughly vetted, checked, watched and whatever else the security services do with Muslim servicemen in the current climate. So either the security services were asleep at the wheel in this case - which I don't believe - or, the sweeping generalisations of the terminally dense notwithstanding, he did not unhinge simply because he was a Muslim.

As an aside, one should also reflect that a Muslim psychiatrist is a strange contradiction. Islam holds that Man is a spiritual being and that God is his truth and obedience to God his route to salvation. Psychiatry is an atheistic creed that holds that Man is, essentially, a soul-less machine operating on stimulus-response and that his salvation lies in his resort to drugs and other psychiatric interventions to correct or "manage" whatever is "wrong" with him. One considers Man has a soul, the other considers that he doesn't. How one can be a devout Muslim and at the same time espouse, practise, tolerate or endorse psychiatry is, to me at any rate, a mystery.

Be all this as it may, there is one aspect to this puzzle about which the media has been strangely silent. This silence is a mystery considering its potential both for scandal on a massive scale and for explaining not only this particular homicidal rampage but other homicidal rampages as well. It is this:

Psychiatrists administer psychiatry drugs. Such medications are their stock-in-trade and very often their ONLY "treatment" for someone with a problem, is to write out a prescription and drug them.

Psychiatrists therefore have easy access to drugs and it is a matter of proven record that many of them self-medicate. A study in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, for example, revealed that 16% of psychiatrists self-medicate. This is a very high percentage, although I suspect that figure is understating the case. No other profession has as many as one in six of its members on one or more medications for mental illness.

Psychiatry will tell you that it prescribes its medications to manage serious and incurable mental disorders. This means then that one in six psychiatrists will admit to having a serious and incurable mental disorder. This is worrying when one considers that this is the profession entrusted with the mental health of our soldiers and indeed of society as a whole. This might explain why the mental health of nations that have subscribed to the psychiatric paradigm has been in such sharp decline. In the case of this latest rampage, it may explain why an army officer suddenly went berserk.

We know that psychiatric drugs have many serious side effects and these include depression, suicidal thoughts, aggression and violent impulses. Just read the product labels if you do not believe me or visit the website of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights for fuller information.

We know too that there have been many violent schoolyard and workplace rampages across America and elsewhere in recent times, with many innocent lives lost and that in virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE of these mindless rampages, the perpetrator was on psychiatric medications. We also know that prior to the wholesale psychiatric drugging that began in the early 1960s, such rampages were virtually unheard of and that their incidence along with the incidence of other crimes of violence has increased pretty much in line with increases in medication of the population.

The suspicion exists and is widespread that the Major was self-medicating, although the media are strangely quiet about it. It is very likely that the drugs he was taking caused him to flip just as they have done to so many others.

This suspicion should be impartially and dutifully investigated by someone who cares about the truth but it is unlikely this will ever happen while our world is run (or I should say mis-run) as it is by elite groupings of dishonest men who care nothing about the murder of a few dozen citizens. After all, this drugging and debilitation of the population seems to be very much in line with the interests of such elites and their fellow-travellers, who require a docile and acquiescent humanity. If they were not so, they would have done something about it, wouldn't they?

The psycho-pharmaceutical operation continues to rake in the lucre by way of its operation to undertake the wholesale drugging of our soldiery. In so doing they inflict with impunity damage upon the military more profound than anything the most ardent and skilled fifth column could hope to achieve.

They inflict too wounds upon our culture more mortal than those inflicted by its external enemies.

There are instigators and fellow travellers who profit from this operation, who pass laws to protect it, who propagandize on its behalf. Sadly, they are calling the shots and they do not care.



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